May 1, 2009

One Spring Afternoon...

...I decided to go for a little walk

That momma duck did not stop staring at me while I was taking this picture...I took a few steps back in the process! :P

I now have friends who have moved away asking me to keep them updated on the Cannon Center progress! So, as now requested, here's the most recent:
I'm sorry I totally spaced and didn't look for any changes inside, but I'll get on it soon ;)
Now to appeal to my mother--yes mom, I'm eating well:
I made dinner tonight! :D Chicken and Rice, a fave of mine. Realized halfway through the oven-cooking I forgot to cover it with aluminum foil! Unfortunately we didn't have any in the apartment! Good thing the Creamery was right next door! One grocery trip later, and another half hour of prep, and voila-dinner for 6 guys! It was extremely delicious. Thanks for the package!


sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Wow, the tulip pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Glad you got the box. I forgot to tell you to open the cereal box first!! It's a surprise. Hope you can use all the stuff.

Jeff Powell said...

oh yeah, about that......I was a little concerned that you had sent me an empty cereal box....and then I realized that's where the former-cookies HAD been. We are now in possession of some extremely tasty cookie crumbs in a ziploc...good ice cream topping, right?!

Michelle said...

Good to see you're taking some initiative to take detail shots even after i've left and can't prod you anymore :P