September 15, 2008

Hand Issues cont.

(Make sure you've read the previous post before this one ;) )
So apparently something in the last bowling game just wasn't clicking. My FHE group decided to go bowling today :P I wasn't expecting to do any better than last time, but apparently I was wrong! I walked away today with 2 strikes and 3 spares, ending in a score of 116!!! Try and nail that left-handed ;) (right-handed for you lefties, of course) Even though I made it to the glorious 2nd-place podium out of the 11 of us that were playing, the top scorer ended up with a whopping 163! He ended up getting 4 strikes in a row, another strike, and a spare at the end! I'm definitely happy with my group though!

I tried going without my splint today, just because I felt like it :)
This is how close I am to making a fist. I honestly can't make it past this!
And this is the best I can extend my hand out.
I can still play the piano pretty good though! I'm sure given time, I'll get back to pretty much normal, but for now I'm on the 2nd half of the healing process. No longer am I healing the bone, I'm working out the atrophy!


meohmyers said...

Who knew you were ambidextrous? :) That's a pretty impressive bowling score for a righty-turned-lefty! So glad you're making time for a little fun. Please take it easy on that hand though. Don't overdo it! Have you been able to take notes or are you having to record the lectures?

Jeff Powell said...

I've been lucky enough that most of the material is stuff I've covered very well in my Junior and Senior years of high school. I can write fairly well so I'll be able to keep up if I need to.

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Ooo that middle finger won't be flipping anyone off anytime soon! You'll have some rehab work to do. I can't even believe that bowling score. I can't even give up the bumpers yet! You remember to baby that hand mister! xo

The Reeder Raiders said...

Jeff, I am Bryant's wife Lori. I like the way you covered both left/right handed people. Thank you :). Also You did better with your left hand than I can with my left & I have been a south paw all my life. For those who don't know what south paw is: left handed. I am lucky to barely write with my right hand. i have been able to train myself to use a right hand scoop for the fries at work, but that is about it to using my right hand. Ok maybe a little more, but those are the two things that come to mind for now.
Keep up your studies and hope to see more pictures of the hand as it improves. Have a safe and happy school year.