September 15, 2009

MTC week 2

Sounds like you guys are having a great time though.
So my turn to talk. I had a fantastic experience at the MTC Referral Center on Friday. If you've ever seen those pass-along cards or a tv commercial from the church, there's a phone number that is on/in it. That number leads right to the referral center. It was a little scary at first, especially because I'm terrible at phone calls, but I got the hang of it really fast. I've already given out my first Book of Mormon to a real investigator of the church and I had only been here for 1 and a half weeks! It was great!The work is not slowing down, that's for sure. Every minute is still scheduled out and there's barely time to sit around. If I've learned everything up to what we've been taught, I can always review and practice more or go learn something different. But I love it here!Yo sé que el Evangelio restaurado es verdadero. Sé que José Smith fue un profeta. Testifico que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y que nos ama. Sé que Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial. Las familias puede ser juntos para siempre (and I'm out of time!!!)Amo a ustedes!!!-Elder Powell-

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