March 8, 2009

The Truth About Sundays

I've come to discover of recent times that Sunday's aren't really turning into the "day of rest" that is allotted to us. Just today, I happened to attend and participate in 8 separate church-related meetings spanning from 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM, a practice for a talent I'll be performing with a couple friends, and Tunnel Singing. I've had very little free time to relax at all! I barely squeezed in 50 minutes of piano-time to myself. And even then, about half of that was practicing ward choir songs because we perform in two weeks! I can't really decide if an exam-infested week is busier than Sunday's at their best!!! It's a good thing I enjoy the business or else I'd snap really soon...but we won't go there :)

Michelle and I broke up on Wednesday.............yeah not much to say........but after some time, we've been able to get back on friendly terms (thank goodness).

In the realm of fun events, I attended the Vocal Point concert last night, and it was AMAZING!!! If you ever get the chance to see them, don't question. Do it! I purchased the tickets before Michelle and I broke up and I felt like I should bring her because she was counting on me for the opportunity to see them beforehand and I thought it was appropriate to follow-through. We ended up having a wonderful evening. Here are a few of the not-very-many-more pics that I have. If you glance in the first picture at the guy 4th from the left, he managed to pull off the Vitas Opera! If you don't know what I'm talking about, your assignment is to visit YouTube NOW (I'd give the link, but BYU actually blocks me from accessing and search for 'Vitas'. Definitely a crazy song!

1 comment:

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Wow, looks like it was a great concert! I can't believe all that sound comes from those few guys! Glad you got to go. You needed a breather it sounds like!!