March 14, 2009

Event Crazy

Happy Pi Day everyone!!! (in case that doesn't ring a bell: March 14 = 3/14...pi=3.14 in math.......yeah, Pi Day :) )

As I began to construct this blog entry, I realized that I have way too many pictures that I've been keeping to myself recently. Allow me to get them out of just my hands ;)

Here's the pic I'm using for my mission papers:

A little blurb about Utah:
Only in Utah can you get beautiful, clear-blue, sunny skies and views such as this one:
...and yet still find in the exact same location at the exact same time this view:
Kinda funny :)
I also realized that I've fallen behind in my Cannon Center documentary. A lot has been constructed inside and out since the last time I posted about this. Lucky for you, my eagle eye managed to scrounge up a peek inside of the building (legally of course!)
I managed to get that view by looking through this peephole :D
Here are your views of the outside:

...and a couple more of the inside hallway:
(here are the doorways!)

So yeah, big progress!
The purpose of the title for this entry derives from the two concerts I attended this past week. Take a guess at the first by these next 2 pictures:

Try the 5 Browns!!!!!!!!!!!
They were utterly amazing! I love how well they can play (and the sound quality coming from those pianos!)!!!! They surprised us with many wonderful arrangements, a few popular classics, and a couple curveballs including the beautiful 6-hand arrangement... well as a little singing and plucking of the strings (both of which are occuring in this pic).

Here are the close-ups I got afterwards:
And as if it couldn't get any more fun, I was also able to watch the BYU Men's and Women's Choruses joint concert:
Both groups did a marvelous job! I could've been on the stage for this one (drat!). I guess I'll have to try again next time!
In case you're wondering, yes, I've been able to keep up with my school work amidst all this craziness. I just got off a 3-exam streak so I'm doing much better. Only a month until this semester is over!!!

1 comment:

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

What a great post!! Loved seeing all the pics of the concerts. Wish we could hear them too! The boys really liked the picture of the peep hole. That was amazing you got that good a view from so small an opening. Deceptive.