November 10, 2009

Semana 10

¡Hola Todos!>
Here go responses to family letters: Nick, what do you mean nobody is here?! I have tons of friends here at the MTC :P I letters everyone once in a while, I got a lot more at the beginning, but now I don't get as much, but it's ok, I'm always really busy so I'm never really bored. Jason, you asked about how I pass the time at the MTC. Well, I'm either in class, studying Spanish, reading scriptures or Preach My Gospel, eating, at the gym, sometimes at a meeting, or sleeping--that's pretty much it! I actually didn't have a Halloween party here. We definitely have enough candy to eat though. Thanks for sending the photo compression info--I knew for the most part how to do it already, but it's nice having the specifics, especially in Spanish. The only thing about what you gave me is that you need to insure that you'll be able to open a .rar file. It's similar to a .zip file, but I forget if Vista/XP is able to extract from a .rar file by itself. You might consider getting WinRAR, but just the trial version. It will still work for you even after the trial period expires (at least when I was still using it). I can't view any email-attached pictures now because of the MTC computers locking everything up, but I'm guessing I'll be able to in the field. You mentioned Pres. Lee's brothers (?) that got delayed from Brazil--there's about 130+ Brazilian missionaries overflowing this MTC because of visa issues! Not sure on the exact problem, but it's getting pretty big. I only know as much as what you found out in your email to the travel office, nothing more. If I call next week, wanna test out calling the payphone back? Dad, you're actually backwards: you've been using the pouch system the entire time because that's what dearelder uses. You'll probably want to switch to just emailing this email address because it'll probably be more reliable in the field. I laughed when I read that you're headed to Big White! Nerds......:P All these people that are asking about me, you definitely should tell them to write me: I CAN talk to people after all ;) Good luck with the Creche and the swing dance, you definitely have quite the load Mom! Thanks for the pics too! Happy Birthday Dad!!! Hope it will be a wonderful day for you! I'm glad I could help you out.>

Well, because Elder Jones, my 2nd companion, was recovering from his ankle surgery, I got to travel out of mission boundaries to go to therapy with him! It wasn't as weird as I expected it to be, but it gave us a nice atmosphere to have study time in. I couldn't really contact anyone there either because it's Provo--everyone is a member of the church! Elder Jones got his medical release though so he left yesterday morning, I moved rooms for the 3rd time, and I'm on my 3rd companion now! Elder Robison is in the district that was below my original one. He leaves on the 16th as well to Nicaragua, so I'm hoping that this times out nicely.>

Well, hopefully this will be the last email home from the MTC! I'm planning on sending one more packet home with letters and such. If there's anything you want for 40% cheaper (from school supplies to all kinds of church materials) let me know!>
Os Amo,>
Elder Powell

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