February 19, 2009

Quick Notes

Few more things going on down/up/over here!!! My thoughts are going to be fairly short and sporadic because it turns out I'm *COUGH*no*COUGH*t do*WHEEZ*ne wit*COUGH*h homew*Clear throat*ork...
So yesterday was the special Chocolate Dessert Day in the Cannon Center. It attracted many eager freshmen to try their luck with the various chocolate desserts, including the featured, and very prominent, chocolate fountain:

Oh yeah! 4 tiers! It's getting fancy now! :D So that was a nice little end to a fairly hectic day.
The previous evening I managed to get a nice picture to add to my scenery collection (again plugging for my deviantART account!)
Awhile back, Jake in my hallway made the new intramural water polo mascot and proudly displayed it on match day:
Today was an amazingly crisp and sunny day! While I was walking home with Michelle, we noticed a hang glider way up in the sky!

It was totally random so we decided to follow him for a little bit until we decided he would be landing way out of the way.
So yeah, life's good! Working on the last bits of my mission papers...so yeah :D

1 comment:

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Nick thought the chocolate fountain was in your room. He was quite jealous!! Nice scenery as always.