July 25, 2011

Semana 98 - Villa Muñecas

¡Hola Todos!
It's been an interesting last week of the transfer. We were walking home on Tuesday night and thought it was weird that there were large groups of people scattered around our block just kindof staring off in the distance. We asked our neighbors what was going on, and they told us that a lady was assaulted and killed about 2 blocks down the street! We didn't really feel a threat, but we made sure we locked up good :P
We have 3 investigators that are SO close to baptism. The hardest part is just that we can't see them that often during the week because they either work or go to school. We'll get there though!
President Levrino changed up the transfer system a little bit. We didn't get our transfer call until last night at about 8:30--talk about anxiety attack! It's official though, I die here in Villa Muñecas with Elder Rasmussen! I'm actually really excited, along with a few members that were calling me to find out how the transfers turned out. We'll have to rock this transfer, cuz it's my last! ...that's so weird!
Elder Powell

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