August 4, 2009

Part IV: Trips Away from the Hill

I apologize for the small delay in getting this post out. A combination of procrastination, gaining access to everyone else's photos, accidently deleting many of my good pageant pictures (luckily, I've recovered from this heartbreaking experience and found all the pictures through various online sources. Unfortunately some of them lost their size and/or resolution.), and getting 2 wisdom teeth pulled (I'm recovering very well from that as well) contributed to the delay. But enough excuses, on to the photos!

We took multiple trips out to the Sacred Grove and I just loved it! It's so peaceful in there and you can just lose yourself deep in the trees and just think about anything. I managed to get some good artsy photos too.
We toured all of the major church history sites, including the Joseph Smith farm, the David Whitmer farm, and the Grandin building, where the Book of Mormon was first published.
I envision this to be the room at the Whitmer Farm that Joseph was translating in:
First Edition Book of Mormon:
We also took the chance and went into the Palmyra Temple, which was absolutely beautiful! The stained glass consisted of lots of trees, creating the effect of being in the Sacred Grove, which you could see from the temple.
I do not claim these next two photos, but I thought they were gorgeous.

Our personal caterer worked at this little log cabin restaurant that hosted a weekly car show in their plot of land. We visited this car show on our last week and it was pretty sweet the vehicles we ran into. It was a healthy mix between motorcycles, fast cars, funny cars, and old-fashioned cars.

We also visited a state park called Stony Brook, which had beautiful nature hikes and a semi-natural pool made behind a dam.


meohmyers said...

What a great experience! Looks like you had such an awesome time. I love all of your pictures! You have a great eye! On to the next adventure, right? :) We'll see you soon!

Michelle said...

But I thought you with your amazing computerness would be able to recover those. What happened? Too long away from classes? :P