January 21, 2009

Just....yeah....lots of stuff

It's so hard to come up with titles for everything! I've run into this here as well as on my new deviantART account! (http://cpu3140.deviantart.com/, lots of stuff you've seen, and some things you haven't ;) check it out!) I have to name each of my pictures which isn't exactly the easiest thing for a perfectionist like me! .........yeah.....
So I apologize for not keeping up in a LONG time. I end up apologizing to the (eventual?) readers of my diary a lot too. I've been able to make the transition from 2-week break to school again. Classes don't seem to be as tough even though I'm taking 1.5 more credits than last semester. I suspect it's because 3 of those credit hours aren't committed to physics 121 like last semester! Here's a rundown of my classes this semester:
  • Calculus 2: alternates between a big lecture and a TA session all week; I'm understanding the material really well so far :) but definitely the first math class I've ever had to take notes in.
  • American Heritage: Much bigger lecture (about 500 students) twice a week; it's for my GE and is a mix between economics, political science, and history. In essence, we look at the economy and political science of historical U.S. and compare it with modern-day economy and politics.
  • Mission Prep: A bunch of my friends in the dorms took this last semester and recommended it to the rest of us. I figured "Why not?!" so yeah :D
  • Computer Systems: A class that's under the jurisdiction of both the Computer Science and the Electrical & Computer Engineering departments. Focuses on building our understandind of how computers work by focusing on the basic 1's and 0's and building all the way up until we are programming in the C language. Not exactly my forte, but good for me nonetheless
  • Data Structures: Continuation of my last computer science class which = more intense Java programming :/

Here's a pic of my new stack of textbooks:

Yes, the scriptures are included as part of this stack ;) If you really know me though, you'll question why I don't have a mutilated scripture case. It turns out Nick had an extra scripture case given to him for his 8th birthday, so my mom sent it to me :D Thanks mother! Here's the before/after comparison:

And while we're glancing around my desk area, I thought I'd show everyone my newest completed collection and my newest collection started up (shown respectively)!

You're staring at all 50-state quarters and my new bottle collection!!! :D In reality, the bottles will probably be trashed when I'm done this semester, but I thought it added a nice touch to my shelf!

I just now stared at my calendar and realized there's a lot of events that happened in the last two weeks! President Monson came and gave the CES fireside at the Marriott Center last week! It was the first time I saw him in person and it was quite inspiring! He gave a wonderful address on preparing now for the future that lays ahead of us. The next day my FHE group decided to take some family pictures!

There's actually supposed to be 5 boys and 6 girls, but one of the guys and the girl have work during FHE and the other boy doesn't usually show up ever.......oh well, we still have fun :D

We had a fun ward activity on last Friday. We had a ton of pizza followed by bowling. Our ward actually reserved the entire bowling alley for an hour and we filled up the entire place! Unfortunately, I bowled terribly and only got an 85. Even more unfortunately, I was beat by Michelle who bowled one of her best games and got an 88 :P

The Cannon Center is progressing very well. It's all framework now, as evidenced by the pictures:

If you look carefully, the one above has brick in the top-left corner, which is definitely progress!

One last funny story and then I'll let you go be bored again :D Rewind to Martin Luther King Day. It often happens that you don't miss something that's gone until you need it. That 'it' was toilet paper this time! A few guys were all looking for some with me. In the 4 stalls total in our bathroom, there wasn't a single roll of TP. Someone ran over to the 1200 floor and they didn't have any either. I went down to the guest bathroom adjacent to our lobby and they didn't have any there! I finally found what seemed to be the one roll in our entire building of 26 toilets in the guest bathroom located in the basement of our building! Of course, someone later had the brilliant idea to ask our RA, who has a master key to the building, to unlock the janitor's closet on our floor to get some more rolls *smacks head*........yeah....

I think I've covered pretty much everything. Have a wonderful day now!


Michelle said...

Um...6 girls in our family, Jeff :)

And did you really have to tell everybody that my best game beat your worst game by only 3 points?

MomD said...

Hi Jeff! This is Mindy.. Gram showed me your blogs. Looks like you're having fun at BYU. The picture i saw of u and your girlfriend was adorable! I noticed your new scripture case. Looks exactly like the one Gram gave Nick LOL. Sorry we missed you when u were up this last break. Hope everything stays great for you!!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Can you believe YOU"RE getting hand-me downs from Nick? How does that feel for a change? Sorry Gram! Glad you're keeping busy. There are some great cheap activities at BYU!