October 19, 2008


I attended a standup-comedy show on Friday and it was quite hilarious. Many of the comedians were extremely funny. I wasn't quite in tears, but the headache and stomach aches were prevelant.
After the show they were selling these pretty funny shirts for just $5 (yes, I got one) In a few places around campus, the BYU groundskeepers have put these signs that look like this:

It's a pretty funny little sign! It's so amazing how it can be so much funnier when you change just one word:

I couldn't resist! Of course, I really can only wear it my freshman year......and I guess only at BYU......but it was still funny :D
The mountains are changing color as I speak and it's been nice to be viewing it everyday. I snapped a nice picture of it for your viewing pleasure. Unfortunately, the Cannon Center is hogging the foreground, but you can still see the wonderful weather we've been having!
P.S. I wrote this blog up in calculus class :D

1 comment:

Harbour said...

And I happened to see you take that picture from the back row! Scott looks like Calc is killing him.