December 28, 2009

Semana 16-Salta

A quick note from mom: Jeff says he CAN receive email from anyone, he just can't email you back. So here is his email address if you care to write--

¡Hola Todos!
So what’s up with all the hype about 2012??? I can’t tell you how many people have asked about “dos mil doce…”The fireworks are getting a little crazy around here. It’s mostly just the really small but loud firecrackers and other little explosives, but I laugh because it’s only the little kids that are lighting them off!I have more puerta excuses for you: (I ask) “Are you alone?” “Sí.” “Oh, ok well…who’s that in the window?” (yeah, I get that happening a few times); “When is she going to come back?” “Más tarde.” (well duh!); (I ask a kid to get his parents, response after coming back:) “No hay nadie. Están durmiendo.” (so…which is it?)Everyone that asks how old I am goes crazy after I tell them 19. Apparently I look 25 to them! I definitely don’t feel that old!We were walking down the street a few days ago and a random lady walked up behind us and gave us 2 pesos in coins, saying it was for us. We asked her why and she just kinda mumbled and walked off! I wonder if it was fulfilling of Doctrine & Covenants 84:88-89…
One of our new investigators, who has a brother and his family that are members, came up with the idea to read the Book of Mormon with myself, my comp, and her 11-year-old son in English to help them practice speaking it (it’s interesting how much they struggle to pronounce the words; reminds me of a couple months ago!) and get some reading out of the way too! It’s been going pretty well and I hope she progresses well. She attended church this Sunday and she had a great time it seemed! It’s also really interesting how difficult it is to get some of these people in Salta to go to church, let alone just to ours! For goodness sakes, it’s one of the 10 Commandments that they claim to believe and follow! Slowly but surely we’ll make some progress on it out here.
Mom, if you want to get me any songs/talks for the ipod, just put whatever money is necessary on my account on itunes and tell me what you want me to get. I’ll install itunes down here on a comp (I loaded the installer onto the ipod itself so I just plug it in like a usb drive and install it ;) takes like 2 minutes) and get whatever you were going to get.Drew, he estado escribiendo una carta a ti cada semana. Pienso que sabés como está Salta ;) . Si tenés una pregunta especifica, pregúntame. (Notice voseo form ;) pretty sure I did it right)That’s about all I have this week.
Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad!!!
Elder Powell

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